Today I decided to head to Irvine with a few friends to visit the Food Truck Extravaganza! If you guys haven't heard of a Food Truck then you have been living under a rock for the past 2 years. The Food Network did a whole show on Food Trucks!
Here are some pictures...
Mac & Cheese on the left and Portabello Mushroom Taco on the right.
Nacho Chilly on the left and not sure what that is but it looks amazing! LOL
Thanks to Taco Dawg for the awesome lunch and supplying the food.
The Burnt Truck are friends of my friend. Check them out! Their Sliders are to die for!
Dan Dan BBQ was also out there.
Big thanks goes out to The Lime Truck for giving us free drinks! You guys rock!!
and heres a random photo of me. :)
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